Welcome to Centro de Idiomas La Molina

Language Center of Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina: study Spanish, English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese and Quechua.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011


Dear friends:

Welcome to Centro de Idiomas La Molina  , the Language Institute of Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. We are a peruvian non profit public institution with a long tradition: founded in 1902, more than 100 years years ago, our university is the Alma Mater of the agricultural and rural develpoment in Peru. Our Language Center, being part of our reknown university, is committed every day in  improving the quality of education of our students and academic staff. 
Our mission is to spread the knowledge of many languages among the univeristy community and local society.
In our center you can learn English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Potuguese, French, Japanese and the ancient Inca´s language, that is Quechua. 

Located in a warm and cozy environment, surrounded by gardens and parks we offer you the perfect environment to enjoy learning languages in a rich cultural atmosphere. All classes are taught in La Molina campus. Located at the east corner of Lima (Av La Molina, s/n La Molina, campus Universidad Nacional Agraria), it brings the perfect place to enjoy nature and enjoy cultural and academic activities!


Among the courses we offer, we have a program of Spanish for Foreigners. Spanish classes are taught individually and are fully customized and adapted to your specific needs. Our teachers are native speakers and all of them speak English fluently.  Our courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).


-ONE-TO-ONE CLASSES, which are fully customized and adapted to your specific needs. One teacher per student guaranteed.

-ALL OUR TEACHERS ARE NATIVE SPEAKERS, with years of experience teaching spanish as a foreign language. 

- PLACEMENT TEST FREE OF CHARGE: Before the beginning of the course, your spanish level will be determined with a placement test.

- FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE ACCORDING TO YOUR TIME AVAILABILITY: we work according to your time availability. We are very flexible regarding your time, so during the course changes can be easily made together in accordance with your private teacher. The mínimum number of hours required to start the course is 20.


We count with a multimedia lab with internet where students can learn and practice pronunciation of the foreign language. Adittionally, we have two computer labs,where students can practice the use of the language with multimedia programs and internet tools. I

LIBRARY: in addition we have a mini library with books in English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German ,and multimedia available for students.


On the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), learners are divided into six levels:
Level A: Basis Speaker
            A1: Beginner (60 hours of classes)
            A2: Elementary (60 hours of classes)
Level B: Independant speaker
            B1: Pre- intermédiate (120 hours of classes)
            B2: Intermediate (120 hours of classes)
Level C: Proficient speaker
            C1: Upper intermediate (120 hours of classes)
            C2: Advanced (120 hours of classes)

The cost of each academic hour (60 minutes) is 35 nuevos soles (approximately 13 US $). The minimun amount of hours to start the course is 20.


You can start every Monday of every week. However, you need to subscribe with us 3 days in advance. You will sit a placement test (optional), to know your exact level of Spanish and fill out some forms.To start the course you need to register for 20 hours at least. Each hour of class (60 mins) is S/ 35.00 nuevos soles or approximately 13 US $.


We aim to teach Spanish not just a a mere foreign language, but as a second language, where students are inmersed in a cultural atmosphere. Our students can enjoy the cultural activities taking place on campus. Our gardens, fields, lectures, students associations, etc, are the perfect environment to learn spanish as a second language.
In the pictures of the right, see our academic and administrative staff.


- Solid academic program in accordance to the Common European Framework of Reference and Instituto Cervantes
- Experienced teaching staff: all our teachers are certified for teaching spanish as a foreign language, with degrees at reknowned universities. In addition they are native speakers.
- Communicative approach: learning spanish is easy and fun!
- Enriching cultural atmosphere: you will have the chance of being inmerse in all cultural activities organized by our university (workshops, performances, lectures, anniversaries, and so much more).
- Long tradition in education: Universidad Agraria La Molina is one of the oldest in Peru. Founded in 1902 is the alma mater in science, research and development. Upon your completion you will receive a certificated from an acredited international institution such as our university.
- Friendly environment and staff: being a student at our campus is a joy and pleasure. Enjoy our botanical garden, sports facilities, recreational gardens, cafes, farm and orchards. Our administrative staff is ready to guide you and help you in anything needed.
- Best value for your money: Our prices are very affordable and give you a high quality service. Remember in the total inmersion program cost of lodging, food and class materials and courses are all included.

Here, enjoy a video of our university (music played by the band of our university or tuna universitaria):


In additon to our regular classes of , we offer workshops in spanish conversation (intermediate and advanced). Come with us and practice your language skills, improve your fluency and vocabulary. In our campus you can also participate in the cultural activities organized by the university: lectures,  folk dance performances, university anniversary and others They are free and you have the chance of being in touch with peruvian students and being able to practice with native speakers.


We offer a unique course of total inmersion, where students have the chance of living with a peruvian family and be inmersed in spanish language and peruvian culture. Your host is strategically located very close to the campus (max 15 mins by car or walking distance).Your host will guide you through the university campus, show you the cultural activities on campus going on and the peruvian lifestyle. Stay includes all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), spanish lessons at our institute, books, and lodging. Transportation costs are not included and will be paid by you. For more information  see http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/idiomas (link     spanish total inmerssion)


Our students come from different corners of the world, each one with a unique story. We have students form South Korea, United States, Germany and Canada. All of them live in Peru and study with us, enjoying our campus and the warmth of local people. Our students from South Korea, for instance, are staying with us one academic year, for an international exchange program that their university has in agreement with ours. Feel very welcome here and hope you have fun and enjoy this incredible cultural experience!
Here you can see Roxana Berrospi, one of our very experienced teachers one of our students from Korea, Kwak Sumi.

And in this picture you can see Veronica Vidal, 
one of our top teachers, teaching spanish to Lee Hye Young. Both of them are starting Spanish level A2 and taking regular courses at the campus, together with other peruvian students of the agricultural field.

To contact us, just email us at : idiomas@lamolina.edu.pe or mbellido@ lamolina. edu. pe or visit us at www.lamolina.edu.pe/idiomas. Our phone number is (511)349-09-86. We open Mondays to Fridays form 8:00 a.m to 7:30 p.m and Saturdays 8:00 a.m to 1:30 p.m.


Our language institute is very glad to announce the agreement with the american NGO Global Volunteers. Global Volunteers is non profit non sectarian non gobernmental instituion that brings teams of volunteers to teach conversational English at our institute. All members of La Molina such as students, administrative workers, professors and acedemic staff receive free lessons and deepen their English knowlegde. Global organizes free workshops in conversational English, writing skills and grammar. You wanna participate? It is free! Just contact us and we will let you know the dates.  Here, one of our volunteers in a workshop with peruvian students, showing her musical talents!
Special thanks to our dear friend Arturo Steely, for kindly coming to our language institute to teach English to our students and for the cooperation with the spanish academic staff, in the teaching tools he shared with us. Mil gracias amigo Arturo, eres sensacional! Espero nos vuelvas a visitar, los chicos y chicas de La Molina te echamos de menos!


La Molina language center in a public non profit institution. We are funded by Fundación para el Desarrollo Agrario, a foundation for rural and agricultural development in Peru. Everything we earn is sent for funding agricultural education, research and development. If you would like to donate books or monetary donations to implement our library, you will be very welcome!

We are so happy to announce the marriage of our dear academic coordinator for spanish courses, Myrian Bellido, a very valuable staff member of our language center. Thanks to Myrian we have the cooperation of Global Volunteers. Thanks once again for everything you do witl love for our center!! And happy new life together with Gary! By the way, Gary Maehder, her husband, is a former spanish student of the language center. 

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


¡Hola amigos!

Aqui las prof. Myrian Bellido (izq) y Olenka Nunura (der)

El Centro de Idiomas les desea a todos muy Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo 2012. Como cada año, en La Molina celebramos la Navidad con mucha alegría, compartimos felices momentos de unión y camaradería.

Momentos de espontaneidad, alegría de compratir se vivieron en nuestra casa de estudios.

Aqui el equipo de docentes del Centro de Idiomas La Molina
Los docentes del Centro y el personal administrativo tuvimos nuestra ceremonia de navidad con algunos números artísticos, entre ellos, la declamación de un poema a cargo de la Prof. Olenka Nunura.
También hubieron regalos, sonrisas, panetón y las palabras de nuestro querido director Prof. Gorky Llerena y el Vice rector académico Dr. Jorge Aliaga.

Todos los docentes gozamos de un bonito compartir, renovando nuestro compromiso con la enseñanza de idiomas en nuestra querida Universidad Agraria La Molina

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011


La Molina Language Center organized the workshop of Teaching Methodologies of Spanish as a Foreign Language or L2. We learned innovative methodologies and techniques in teaching Spanish as a foreign language and L2: communicative approach, inmersion in peruvian cultures and new teaching aids and materials. Our lecturer PhD. Lilia Llanto, from the Academica Peruana de la Lengua and the Post graduate School of San Marcos University shared her experience of more than 25 years of career as an educator in Spanish Language.

In the picture you can see the team of Spanish teachers of our language center. We are a solid group commited to give an excellent educational service, meeting the highest standars and applying the latest methodology in language learning.

We want to give special thanks to our Spanish Coordinator, Myrian Bellido, for the organization of this very interesting workshop. And thanks to all our teaching staff who proactively participated in the sessions.

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011


The municipality of La Molina district organized a very beautiful and colorful show about the typical folk dances of Peru. Our regional traditional dances from the coast, highlands and jungle were all present in the show. It was an unforgetable evening show, part of the celebrations for the 190 years of independence of Peru from the Spanish kingdom (our independence days are every 28th and 29th of July).

The name of the show was: "El retablo mas grande del mundo" which means "The biggest altarpiece of the world". As it appears in the pictures, it had three floors and was full of dancers, musicians and performers.

The spirit of "peruanidad" or peruvian national pride for our rich folk heritage could be seen on stage. More than 60 peruvian artists were present. This was certainly a night to be remember!!

martes, 26 de julio de 2011


New! We are offering a comprehensive workshop in teaching methodologies of Spanish as a foreing language. This workshop is aimed at Spanish teachers, language teachers who would like to specialize in teching Spanish for foreigners, students of linguistics and translation and native spanish speakers interested. It covers 20 hours of theory and 20 hours of practice.

Miércoles 3 de agosto: 9 a.m - 12:00

1. ¿Qué es enseñar una lengua extranjera?
2. Enfoque sociolingüístico y su aplicación en los métodos cognitivos.
3. Enfoque cognitivo y su aplicación.
Miércoles 10 de agosto: 9 a.m - 12:00
1.  Modos de conducir el aula: técnicas y reflexión sobre la práctica .
Identificación de las características básicas de manejo del aula como el
 lenguaje de aula, la forma de corregir, el trabajo en grupo y la
 utilización de L1 (primera lengua).
2. Análisis de las teorías actuales  sobre la enseñanza en grupos con capacidades
diversas y sobre la disciplina en el aula.

Viernes 12 de agosto: 9 a.m - 12:00

1. Desarrollo de las destrezas en el aula. Análisis detallado de los diferentes
  enfoques en la enseñanza de las macrodestrezas de comprensión auditiva y
  lectora, y de expresión oral y escrita.
2. Investigación actual sobre estas destrezas y evaluación de  diversas
  actividades de aula y de técnicas de enseñanza para desarrollar
  el uso de la lengua española en los alumnos.
3. Muestra de micro-enseñanza.

Miércoles 17 de agosto: 9 a.m - 12:00
1. Evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje de lenguas. Fundamentos
  de la evaluación: evaluación formal e informal; aprendizaje de lenguas;
  fases y componentes de la evaluación. Cuestiones centrales: qué
  evaluar: variables prospectivas, perfectivas y perfectas; a quién;
  cuándo; para quién (audiencias). Medios de evaluar: observación, test.
  Evaluación de exámenes de clasificación de estudiantes con conocimiento
  previos de español.

Viernes 19 de agosto : 9 a.m - 12:00
1.    Presentación de clase maestra por parte de los alumnos. Aplicación de
  conocimientos adquiridos.
2. Evaluación y conclusiones.

The workshop will be taught by Lilia Llanto PhD. She has a pre and post graduate degree in Linguistics and Education at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, PhD doctorate in Peruvian and Latinamerican Literature, PhD in Linguistics at Universidad de Sao Paulo-Brasil, second specialization in Intercultural Bilingual Education at Universidad Católica del Perú. Dra. Llanto has many years of expericience in language learning methodologies and is member of Academica Peruana de la Lengua Española.

 At the end of the training you will receive a certificate from Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina.
Registration fee: S/. 280 nuevos soles (includes materials).
Location: Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Av. La Molina s/n La Molina. Telephone: 3490986.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011



On Saturday July 15th 2011, we had a teacher training workshop at La Molina Language Center. Ms. Cristina Fernandez, English teacher with more than 20 years of experience and expert in new teaching methologies was in charge of the training, sharing her valuable experince with us. We exchanged experiences and ideas in this new approach of teaching grammar in an interesting, fun and memorable way.We worked in small groups to discuss the methods and got to learn new things to improve our methodologies. Thanks again to our academic coordinators Olenka and Martha for the organization of the workshop and our friends of Libreria Peruano Británica for their sponsorship.

The policy of our language center is to offer an educational service of the highest standards: all of our staff receives constant training in methodologies along the year. We are commited to give a service of high quality to our students.

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011



In Peru, we celebrate teachers´day on July the 6th of every year. This year, we spent a wonderful time together, sharing, laughing and living great moments. All our teaching staff were invited to have lunch at "La Moneda China", a traditional "chifa", mixture of peruvian and chinese cuisine.
Thanks for the English coordinators Olenka and Martha, for the wonderful organization and the kind coorperation of our friends of Libreria Peruano Británica, who sponsored this nice event. Cheers for the teachers!!

Needless to say, everybody liked the food, place and warm atmosphere.
Special thanks to our dear Director. Prof. Gorky Llerena for all the improvement, effort and commitment in the guidance of the language institue of La Molina National Agrarian University.

In the picture below you can meet the "top team" of academic coordinators, administrative staff and our director Gorky Llerena and his wife. On the first row (standing up) from left to right: Martha Villegas (academic coordinator), Maria del Carmen Ugarte (administrative staff), Myrian Bellido (academic coordinator), Olenka Nunura (academic coordinator). Sitting down, from left to right: Gorky Llerena (director), Alicia de Llerena (his wife) and Arturo García (representative of Libería Peruano Británica).